Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week 38: Wet and Windy

Hola hola hola!!

On Monday we watched Meet the Mormons, which was really good! I hadn't seen it before. If you haven't seen it, you should go watch it! We watched it in Spanish, so the part about the family in Costa Rica was definitely a highlight because for a few minutes we weren't listening to voiceovers haha. On Monday night we visited Manuel B. He gave us glitter glue, which we're actually super excited about haha.

On Tuesday the Manwarings brought food to district meeting, so that was a party. Afterwards we got to visit a less-active member and then tried to visit one of our investigators, but she basically told us she doesn't have time and to not visit her anymore. So that was a little rough, but in the future maybe she'll change her mind!

On Wednesday I woke up sick, which is never fun, especially on the mission. Also, it was pouring rain and super windy. Day 1 of a rainy streak that's still happening. Also, turns out that umbrellas don't work very well when it's super windy, because they're just turning inside out every 2 minutes and the rain gets you anyway. It was great, during the morning we were walking around and my shoes were making that "squish squish" sound that means that they're full of water! Who needs to go swimming when you can get just as wet just walking around? No but it was actually good in the end, because one of our investigators who normally makes up some reason that we can't come in let us in because we were so wet, and we were able to teach her a good lesson!

On Thursday the rain and wind (and sickness, woo!) continued. Luckily we had weekly planning in the morning, and then in the evening we had English class and noche de hogar so in the end we weren't outside very much at all that day. Also, we visited Andrés on Thursday with Stefany! So that was fun. He wants to make us paella, we'll see how that goes. Not a lot of people in English class and noche de hogar, but there WERE a lot of cookies so I think they still enjoyed it haha.

On Friday morning we tried to pass by a few people, but no one was around or had time. Also, it was still raining. Party! Actually, speaking of parties, on Friday night there was this big ward activity to celebrate a girl in the ward who just got back from her mission in England! So that was fun. We helped with the set-up and the clean-up and it meant that we weren't outside in the storm so we were definitely glad for the activity. I was still kind of coughing and the ward members were offering me all sorts of suggestions... some of them good (drink water!) and some not-so-good (here, take my prescription medication!). Manuel brought me oranges because he noticed I was sick on Thursday at English class and oranges are "llena de vitaminas" haha.

Oh also on Friday, we got back to our piso for mediodía and flipped on the lights and then suddenly all the lights went out. And we looked out the window at the storm like, "oh, great." And we were feeling pretty negative, because it was rainy and windy, we were wet, I was still sick, and now we didn't even have lights. We were sitting in the half-dark piso feeling pretty sorry for ourselves for a few hours while we ate and then did some studies. 

But when we got back from the activity, we realized that the elevator in our building worked, and that's something that doesn't work without electricity... come to think of it, we took the elevator down when we left our piso a few hours ago too. And the lights in the hallway just outside our piso had also been working... long story short we got back to our piso and felt pretty dumb because we realized that the switch that controls the lights had just turned itself off. The power to turn the lights back on had been in our hands the whole time! And then we were like, okay, time for a gospel analogy. We sometimes sit in the dark and feel sorry for ourselves because it seems like everyone is happier than us, or knows their purpose in life, or we don't have a testimony and everyone else does, when really, the key to find happiness and find a purpose in life and get a testimony is all in our hands, and the fix is so simple! We just need to study the scriptures and pray every day and come to church and we can find those things we're looking for!

On Saturday I got an awesome email... SHOUT-OUT TO MY SISTER EMILY WHO GOT INTO BYU!!!!

On Saturday I was a lot less-dead, and it was still raining, but not windy so our umbrellas actually worked finally. We visited Isabel, who still is going through a lot of trials, then visited this less-active member, Fransisco. He'd been one of the pins in our map for ages but we could never find his building. Well de repente on Saturday we were walking down the street looking for the building for the 10th time and THERE IT WAS! I have never been so happy to see a number 16 in my life. Francisco has a lot of health problems so he hasn't been able to come to church for a lot of years, but he still has a testimony and was able to share it with us even though he can barely talk. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so cute, he hadn't had one for so long and was so excited to have it. He wants to come to church but can't on his own, and couldn't on Sunday because his wife was worried it was going to rain, and this next Sunday is our stake conference but the next Sunday we are going to pick him up and take him to church ourselves! 

On Sunday we went to church, and then at night there was this crazy thunder/lightning/rain/hail/wind storm! Luckily we were already in our piso to do language study, but JOLÍN it was loud! And according to the ward whatsapp group there was even a tornado that touched down? Not sure if that's reliable or not, but if so, then that's a good explanation of our week haha.

I'm not sick any more, and we were able to buy good food at Carrefour today, and we're going to Sevilla on Wednesday for tri-zone and then to a mystery city on Thursday (stay tuned haha) and then on Sunday we have stake conference with Paul Johnson, the Europe area president! So this week will definitely be less sickly and hopefully less wet than the past week haha. Hope you all have a good week! 

Love, Hermana Walker

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