Friday, March 2, 2018

Week 37: We got yelled at by a van

Hola hola hola!!! 

On Monday we went to San Fernando for a zone preparation day! It was really fun to be around so many missionaries. Then afterwards we went to visit Faly! Her house is under construction but she said she will buy paint and invite us over to help her paint! Then we went to visit Manuel B. He gave us this pony coloring book. Very thoughtful. He's awesome. 

On Wednesday we had transfers! Not much (actually nothing) changed for Hermana Moncayo and I but we did have Hermana Pinkney with us for part of the day while she waited for her new comp to arrive so that was fun! Her comp was coming from the other side of the mission and in the end didn't get to el Puerto on Wednesday night, so Hermana Pinkney came to our piso for a sleepover. We made fajitas and it was a pachanga! Luckily Hermana Malcom got here early on Thursday morning so Hermana Pinkney could have a real companion again. 

On Wednesday we got to visit Andrés! He made us meatballs that were drowning in grease. I'm not sure how he is still alive at 82 eating so much grease all the time, pero bueno. We're glad he's still around! We had a good lesson with him too. 

We taught a piso full of Romanians this week, which brought back memories of Torremolinos haha. We got to meet one man who used to meet with the missionaries a long time ago and has a really powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon--he didn't want anything to do with the missionaries but they gave him a Book of Mormon anyway, he started reading it and he knew it was true! He's been looking for missionaries here in el Puerto for a while, like 2 guys with white shirts and ties, but in the end two girls in dresses (hint: us) showed up at his house! Jorge has a really busy work schedule but we are hoping to meet with him this week. 

One afternoon we were walking down the street and suddenly we were in the middle of this herd of goats, which was kind of cool but also a little scary. They had a guy in charge of them though, and they were really obedient haha. The shepherd (goatherd?) guy had a big stick like you always picture shepherds having and he kind of looked like a human raisin.

Manuel B had a birthday this week so me and hermana Moncayo made him a cake and brought it to English class. Sister Fry had given us a cake mix and a can of frosting a couple months ago that we used to make it, and Hermana Moncayo was very impressed that such things exist. All the Spaniards loved the cake "que rico!!" so I guess American cake mixes win! 
 On Friday a bunch of little mildly stressful things happened that piled up and got me and hermana Moncayo feeling super stressed by the end of the day. But in the mission you pretty much have to choose between laughing and crying, and we chose to laugh when we were sitting at the table that night listing all the crazy things that had happened that day! 

So on Saturday we were just walking down a street minding our own business when suddenly this white van pulls onto the street. And this van is yelling at us! It had this giant megaphone and had a recording that was yelling--like very aggressively--to buy strawberries! "fresas, roja roja rrrrrrrrrrroja como un tomate!!!!" and then as it pulled up closer I guess the driver changed the recording and it started yelling at us "Señora señora señora fresas fresas fresas" it was kind of like a super weird super aggressive ice cream truck but instead of having music it just yells at you and instead of selling ice cream it sells strawberries (2 kilos for 5 euros!). Needless to say we did not buy strawberries, but we did see one woman come out of her house to buy some, so I guess that sales method is at least semi-effective. 

On Sundays we are always so hungry since we're at church for like 6 hours, so I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to bring to church. Hermana Moncayo had never had (or heard of) peanut butter sandwiches but she decided to make one too to try it out. She liked it so much that she made herself another one later in the afternoon!  I'm planning to get hermana Moncayo to like the US so much that she moves there so we can live by each other after the mission, and I think my plan is working!! Haha
On Sunday afternoon Stefany (a member who is awesome!) came with us to two citas, first with Rolando and hortensia and then with a less active member. The cita with Rolando and Hortensia went really well and they both committed to read a little from the Book of Mormon this week! But then afterwards we were just chatting for a few minutes and somehow de repente the conversation turned to being about burying/cremating dogs here (I do not know why or how) but I was in a piso with these 4 native Spanish speakers and let me just say I thought they were talking about people for a solid two minutes and was very confused/concerned. I also accidentally said Lehi was from the United States (do not ask me why, I do not know why) the last time we had a cita with Rolando and Hortensia and they definitely remembered that and still think it is hilarious. Spanish is a fiesta. The cita with the less active member went really well, he is like 20 or 25 and basically said he just felt like something was lacking in his life--and that thing was the spirit! So that was really cool, and we really hope he can come to church this Sunday! 

This week I've been studying commandments and blessings. We are always asking people to do things and keep certain commandments as missionaries, and it's important to remember the blessings that come from keeping the commandments--every commandment we are given is followed by a ton of blessings! I've been reading in the scriptures and making lists of the blessings that come from keeping different commandments, and really whatever sacrifice we need to make to be obedient to one of God's commandments is tiny compared to the mountain of blessings that we will receive from keeping it!

Love, Hermana Walker

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