Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week 39: not your average semana


Hola hola hola!! 

Well this week was anything but normal! On Tuesday we had five citas, which is the first time that's happened in my mission! It was crazy! We met with two less-active members in the morning, then ate some greasy macarrones with Andrés and read in the Book of Mormon with him, then visited Loli and then Stefany and Mateo who were going to move in a few days. It was a crazy busy day! 

Oh also on Tuesday Andrés offered us three fruit options, naranja (orange), manzana (apple), and pero. I was like, "pera?" (pear?) 
"no. Pero. La pera es distinta."
Hermana Moncayo shook her head, no, pero doesn't exist, he's just a confused old man talking about a pear. 
So I said okay, I wanted a "pero" - - expecting a pera. And then he comes out with a yellow apple!! 
Andrés. That is an apple. 
No, it's a pero! Apples are green and red. 
and yellow," says Hermana Moncayo. 
In the end we let Andrés win, and we may have discovered a new fruit... We still aren't sure. 

On Wednesday we had to wake up at 5:45 to catch our train to Sevilla. That brought back some fun memories of early morning Seminary haha. We had a really great conference in Sevilla and learned a lot about using the Book of Mormon in our teaching. After the conference we went to the piso of two hermanas, hermana May and hermana Horan, who serve in Sevilla because we had a train to catch from Sevilla the next morning! It was hermana Horan's birthday and so we grabbed some frozen yogurt to celebrate. 
On Thursday we got on a train to MADRID! Hermana Moncayo had to sign a paper for her nacionalidad and I was the lucky companion who got to come along with her to Madrid! We were only there for like four hours but it was fun to meet her mom and sister in the office where she signed the papers. Also super weird to go in the metro again, brought back memories of going to the park in the CCM! Then we took two trains to get back to Puerto and didn't get back until like 9:30 at night. We were reallyyy tired  of going on trains after Thursday. 

On Friday we had weekly planning and then interviews with President Andersen where we got some unexpected news: Hermana Pinkney is going to a different area TODAY and we are going to be in a trio with Hermana Malcom until the end of the transfer! We will be over both areas of Puerto and all living in our piso. So it's been a crazy few days since then of moving a third bed into the room where we sleep and things to get all ready for Hermana Malcom this afternoon! It will be really different but we are excited. 
On Saturday we had a cita... I think... I actually can't remember. Saturday night was stake conference and we were invited so we got to go listen to some really good talks! A member from the branch drove us back afterwards which was so nice. 

On Sunday we had the other stake conference meeting, there was a bus to bring all the members so it was fun to be with everyone on the way to San Fernando. Andrés came and really liked it! Also, Sunday was hermana Moncayo's birthday and once one member found out ALL the members found out and were so cute sending her happy birthday messages all afternoon. One member, Manuel M, even made a super pretty birthday cake for her and brought it to us on Sunday  night! We got to teach Hortensia and her friend on Sunday night too and had a good lesson with them about the Book of Mormon.

Today we kept cleaning the piso.. With a new companion coming we decided to really clean it well. Then we did compras and other normal boring preparation day things. And then we helped Hermana Malcom bring her suitcases across town to our piso! It finally isn't raining today, which is very nice. I'm used to being in a sunny place I guess and the rain is kind of depressing! 

One talk that I really liked at stake conference was by elder Johnson (the Europe area president who was there) who shared a story about his daughter and her two girls. She picked up two big, beautiful music boxes for her two daughters for Christmas, then a smaller music box for her niece who was going to have a birthday. That night she told her girls that she had bought a music box for her niece, and one of her daughters started to cry because she said, "Mom, that is the present that I've always wanted!" The mom kind of smiled because she knew what this girl was going to get soon for Christmas. But the girl kept crying and asked to see the music box that was going to be a present for the niece. So the mom brought it in and the girl started crying harder. "Mom, it's PERFECT!" Her mom was feeling pretty happy right about now because she knew she'd gotten an even better present for her daughter. "Who knows, maybe you'll get something even better for Christmas." "No mom, this is PERFECT. There isn't anything better!"

The little girl was so sad about this music box because she couldn't see the big picture of what was ahead for her. Elder Johnson comparte this to us and our trials - - Heavenly Father always has the best in store for us, but in the moment we can't see ahead. But He will always bless us in the end through our trials. He knows us perfectly and we should trust in Him and His plan and that He DOES have the big picture view that we lack! 

Love, Hermana Walker

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