Thursday, June 15, 2017

Surpirse letter


So I thought I wasn't emailing until next Thursday, but the temple is closed for the next 2 weeks so we ended up having time to email today after all.

My companion Hermana Lighten and two of the elders in my district are all going to Málaga. We have pretty much just had a lot of classes and orientations so far. I can understand the teachers when they're speaking Spanish to us (I think they're speaking slow on purpose) but when  they speak to each other we have no idea what's going on.

Yesterday we played futbol. Apparently I'm terrible at futbol, but that wasn't REALLY  a huge surprise. Hopefully I'll  get better at it :) Hermana Lighten played goalie for a few years so she's really good, so as a companionship we're okay haha.

Today we went to apply for residency, and it took a long time for everyone to get it done so we were sitting outside under a tent for a while, which was HOT. (the picture below was taken under that tent).   Hermana Lighten and me are kind of scared for the heat in Málaga, it's supposed to be hotter there than it is here! 
I got to play piano for the opening hymn at one of the meetings we've had which was really fun. I used to not like playing at meetings, but there aren't really other times to play the piano so I'll  take it!
We have a lot of things to learn and memorize, but I can tell that we're all already getting better at Spanish which is kind of awesome. We're also all still pretty jetlagged, but nothing TOO bad.
Overall the food here is good, the people are awesome, Spain is gorgeous, and the church is true, so we're  pretty much all good here!
Hermana Walker

We received these emails after Holly had already arrived in Spain but they tell you a little more about her experience at the airport and on airplanes.

I'm at my gate in Seattle. There was some Korean announcement and I recognized hello and thank you so that was cool. My BYU roommate Minhee taught me a little Korean.  Also, the guy at our gate gave an announcement and then he gave it in French, which made me really glad that I don't have to learn French. I guess this counts as my first email as a missionary, so be proud. I am very bored. Hopefully my plane doesn't fall in the ocean.

I'm about 30 mins from Paris now, I am having a little trouble connecting to the WiFi but hopefully it will work better  at the mtc. I now understand the jokes about the airplane food, it's kind of gross. I slept for most of the plane ride. 

French customs we're fast, just a long line. No customs in Spain. When we first arrived at the MTC they had us eat, shower, then sleep (thank goodness).

Holly has a tablet on her mission so she can read emails every day but she can only respond on her p-day.  Feel free to send her an email anytime, she'd love to hear from you.  Here is the address

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