Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Holly's first letter from the mission field

Holly flew 10 hours to Paris and then after a long layover had a 2 hour flight to Madrid. She arrived in Spain today.  Here is her first letter.
Because of the filters on the tablet I couldn´t sign onto any airport Wi-Fi, but I made it to Paris and met up with Sully (he is Holly's second cousin) and his roommate like right when I got off the plane, then gradually more missionaries came and at the end of the 7 hour layover (which was VERY long) there were probably about 35 missionaries there. Me and the few elders who had to wait 7 hours (most other people didn´t get there for a few hours) pretty much have the airport announcements memorized now. Also, the French airport people use very dramatic English words like "forbidden."

 My companion is Hermana Lighton (I don´t know how to spell her name) from the Salt Lake area. I am in a district that has 4 elders and 4 sisters and two of the elders are the boys from my BYU young single adult ward whose names I don´t remember and who I never talked to, so that´s a little awkward. Hannah Forsyth, from my stake back home, is also in my district. Our p-day won´t be until next Thursday 6/22/17. I got to see the Eiffel tower out the window of the airplane which was very cool.

Spain is very hot, we all started sweating as soon as we got out of the airport. The MTC president somehow already knows all our names and where all of us are from. The MTC seems very nice and new, the food for dinner was good, and the MTC is pretty much on the temple grounds (you don´t have to cross a street or anything, the temple is right there).
I'll email you next Thursday

Love, Hermana Walker

Madrid MTC President and Sister Packer
Image result for madrid mtc
The Madrid MTC is the brick buildings with temple beside them.

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