Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 49:Transfers

Hola hola hola! 

This week was kind of a blur, transfers happened on Wednesday so a lot has changed! I'm still in Murcia but it's always different being with a new companion. My new comp is hermana May, she's from Wyoming and super funny. She's also very serious about cleaning. 

Anywho, Monday was good, we had a noche de hogar with Sharon and Luis but in the house of Araceli and her family so it was really fun. Sharon was so sweet and had brought a cake with "Gracias Hermana Philips" spelled out in it. Yes, Philips only had one L on the cake haha. 
Tuesday we had a district meeting even bigger than last week... There were FIFTEEN of us! That was crazy, we barely all fit in the room. We had to combine the districts since our district leader was in Málaga to pick up his trainee, plus we had a few random missionaries in the area who were staying in Murcia since their companions were also in Málaga. On Tuesday we also met with Conchi, and Eva, and Evelyn and her boys, and then went to the noche de hogar at Estefania's house! 

Wednesday were transfers, so basically I was at the train station all day with other missionaries waiting for our companions to show up! It was fun though. We got pizza for lunch. Hermana May came in the afternoon and then we went with a member, Paquita, to visit David and Fatiha (they're moving to a different pueblo). 

Thursday we started off the day with weekly planning, then went out and did some finding at night! Friday was a finding day too, we worked all morning and found no one, all afternoon too with no success until like the last hour of the night when we met six people who were all interested and gave us their number to call them! 

On Saturday morning Arellys (a girl in the ward) got baptized, the baptism was really sweet and she had invited some friends which was so good! In the afternoon we met with Conchi and then watched the broadcast of stake conference. 

Sunday we had stake conference again, they're building a big church building in Cartagena but until then they do stake conference via broadcast because there's not enough room for everyone to come to one building! Then we had correlation, ate with Mírian and her family, and went out finding again! We met a few more people who had interest which is good. 

Today I read in the Book of Mormon about the travels of the prophet Lehi and his family. Laman and Lemuel (2 of the sons in the family) were basically complaining the whole time, but I liked what one verse said. 

1 Nephi 2:12 "And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them." 

When hard times pass, we're prone to complain (at least I am) but if we could understand "the dealings of that God who created us," or what God's big-picture plan is for us, we would understand why we have to go through what we do. Everything that happens to us in life can be for our benefit, even though we don't see how in the moment! 

Love, Hermana Walker

Answer: Brother of Jared      This is the answer to last week’s question who was the Book of Mormon person who went 4 years without praying?

New question: did the Nephites have pillows? 

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