Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Week 46: Another week in the life

Hola hola hola!!

Another good week here in Murcia! It's getting hot and we're getting scared for summer haha.

On Monday night we got to do a noche de hogar with Sharon and Luis, which was really good. Afterwards she gave us some food and Luis taught us some brain teasers which was fun. Actually I'm going to try typing one of them out...

5 + 5 + 5 = 550

you just have to add one straight line to the left side of the equation so that it really does equal 550... not sure if that makes any sense. Anywho, that was one of the brain teasers he gave us haha.

Tuesday we had district meeting in the morning. I always like district meeting! Elder Tabilo who's a native Spanish speaker gave us some Spanish tips about pronouncing our T's, D's, and R's better. Afterwards we got to eat as a district and with the other district in Murcia. We shared some of Luis's brain teasers with them and they couldn't figure them out haha. In the afternoon we went out to talk to people in the street. We've been working on more inspired finding and so we decided to pick a color people were wearing and talk to everyone wearing that color. Hermana Phillips felt like we should talk to everyone wearing a blue shirt, and no more than 2 seconds after deciding that, it seemed like everyone we passed was wearing a blue shirt! So that was fun, we talked to a lot of people who we might not have otherwise! One of them was a woman who was on a bench a little out of our way, but she was wearing a blue shirt AND blue pants so we had to talk to her. She was on vacation from Bulgaria but was super interested in hearing more and so we are going to pass her email to the missionaries in Bulgaria so they can get in contact with her! We also got to have a noche de hogar with a less-active member and her four cute, crazy little boys. We finished the night with a lesson in the park with Isaac, which is a little hard since he doesn't speak Spanish and speaks only a little English, but his friend is a member and speaks English and Twi so we are going to get him to come with us next time to translate.

Wednesday was the 25th, so obviously it was a party. In the morning we met with a man named Rogerio in our first lesson with him. Funny story about how we found him--he accidentally called our number, and then we explained who we were and he said he would actually be interested in meeting with us! We are hoping to teach him again. A member couple invited us over for lunch, and gave us a really good paella! The members here are so good and supportive! In the evening we went to a noche de hogar with Estefania (who just got back from her mission in August--sorry if I'm repeating things, I can't remember what I said before). She is so involved in sharing the gospel and Eva was able to come! It was a good chance for her to get to know a few more people from church and also just a lot of fun.

On Thursday morning we did weekly planning, we had a cita with a man named Omar, then we went to eat mediodía with another family from church! They made us arroz con frijoles and it was super good. We spent the afternoon calling people and talking to people on the streets to find more people to teach!

On Friday we didn't have a ton to do, so it was another finding day. We did get to eat mediodía with Sharon and her daughter. She said she was making us some food with seafood called encebollado that me and hermana Phillips hadn't heard of before, and we aren't huge fans of seafood so we were a little nervous. But in the end it was really good! On Friday night there was a relief society noche de hogar and a few less-active members were going so we did too. The women in our ward are so funny and it was really spiritual too so a good end to the day.

There was a big stake service activity on Saturday morning in Torrevieja and we had permission to go, so we got to go clean up the coastline for a few hours! It was fun being by the ocean again, this is my first area where we don't have coast! In the afternoon we met with Conchi, who continues being hilarious and awesome. 
Sunday we had church in the morning. Apparently literally no one except for one person in the ward plays piano, and that one person was gone, so I got to be the ward pianist for the day... I thought they learned that was a bad idea after the first Sunday when I had to play, but bueno. I got at least half of the notes... also we sang this song that's super weird, it's number 307 in the English hymn book and jolín it was so weird haha. Sorry if you like that hymn I guess, me and hermana Phillips were making fun of it all the rest of the day. We had a few meetings in the afternoon and evening that ended up taking up most of our day. Eva came to church again, for the third Sunday in a row! We were so excited! She's a máquina! 

I love Murcia, I love hermana Phillips, and I love being a missionary! Have a good week!

Love, Hermana Walker 

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