Friday, January 26, 2018

Week 32: Bienvenidos al siglo 21 (Welcome to the 21st century)

Hola hola hola!!

This week we got to visit a recent convert in our ward named Manuel! (he's the one who gives us weird foods and hats). He showed us this planner he has, where instead of writing "do the laundry" and boring things like that, he writes down when he prays and how many pages of the scriptures he reads! He is awesome! 

On Tuesday we got this random phone call from an elder at the London visitors' center, it was a reference for someone who lives in Puerto (actually, she lives in the other hermanas' area and they're teaching her now). I think that was the first and probably the last time I'll get a phone call from London.

On Wednesday we dove into the swimming pool that is the 21st century (I miss swimming) with an 8-hour long conference on technology, where we got our very own SMARTPHONE! It's an Android and is equipped with all sorts of things, including FACEBOOK and (more importantly) WHATSAPP! No one here in Spain uses normal texting, everyone uses this app called WhatsApp. They don't often answer their phone and normally can't recieve normal texts either. You can imagine that this made it kinda difficult with our nice 12-button phone before. Well, we finally have this app too! We have used it to get in contact with several investigators and members and are really excited to use it to get in contact with even more people. We have Facebook too, like I said, but I don't think we'll be using that nearly as much as WhatsApp. Also at the conference, all four of us Walkers in the mission (still don't know if any of us are related) were together since we're all in the same zone, so we took a family photo.

On Thursday we met with Andres, our favorite 82-year-old investigator! He's a character, but he's great. He's been writing down where he is reading in the Book of Mormon too, since we always ask him. 

On Thursday afternoon we got to meet with a member who we didn't really know, named Loli! She was baptized a few years ago (like Hermana Moncayo!) and we had a good lesson with her, getting to know her and things. She also asked us some really good questions, like what she's supposed to do now that she's finished the Book of Mormon--read it again? (hint: the answer is YES) She told us we should come visit her more often.

Thursday night we had English class and then noche de hogar! Hermana Pinkney's birthday was on Friday so we had a little birthday party for her there, it was fun! The English class crew is definitely a funny little group...
On Friday we went to Rota. It's mostly a touristy town, and since it was January 19th there weren't a whole lot of people there. We were knocking doors on one street and everyone kept talking to us through their timbre (doorbell... but with a speaker? Intercom? No sé) and telling us to leave them alone, our companions had JUST come by! We were very confused. We are the only missionaries assigned to Rota! After being told this about 5 times, one lady finally pulled out the pamphlet she had just gotten from these other missionaries. Not our pamphlet! It was from the testigos. That was kind of funny. Different church! Also, on Friday we got a phone call from a Mexican (hermana Moncayo says the accent was a Mexican accent) in Kentucky, which was another reference (again, for someone in the other hermanas' area). I think that might also be the first and last time I get a phone call from Kentucky, unless I move to Kentucky someday.

Saturday we finally got to have another lesson with Jazmin! She only had a half hour to meet but we did get to teach her the first part of the plan of Salvation, and the lesson went really well. She was one of the people who we were able to get in contact with through WhatsApp this week! Hermana Moncayo liked finally meeting an investigator who's not 82, lives in our city, and has two fully-functioning kidneys. Jazmin told us she was going to come to church on Sunday, but then we messaged her before church and she told us she had been asleep, so she didn't come. Next week!

But on Sunday someone who DID come was this 17-year old, Joselito, who hasn't come to church since I've been there! His whole family is members but none of them have come for a long time. We told Joselito we were going to pick him up on Sunday morning, because he always tells us he'll come and he never does, and we did go to pick him up but we sent him messages and called him and he wasn't responding so we had to leave to go to church. Then we're sitting in the American branch and in comes Joselito, white shirt and tie and all! I guess he felt bad that we went to pick him up. He stayed for Spanish ward too. Go Joselito!

Today we went on a hunt to find the post office. We searched for the post office in our GPS and two came up, but one was closer to mercadona so we decided to go to that one. Mistake--turns out it was just leading us to this plain, old, ordinary mailbox of disappointment sitting on the corner. It's fine, we're not upset. WHY that was in the map as a post office, we do not know. Then we went to the other post office, which luckily DID turn out to be a post office.

This week at the zone conference where we got our phones, we watched some training videos about not getting distracted on them and only using them to fulfill our purpose as missionaries here in Spain. One thing that someone said (I don't remember if it was in a video or not) was that mobile devices are a tool. They help us stay in contact with people, maybe take a picture every once in a while. So you take it out when you need it, use it, and then you need to put it away! I know that before coming on a mission I definitely used my phone too much. I think we all use our phones too much. And when the person speaking talked about taking a tool out of a toolbox to use, using it, then putting it back in the toolbox, for some reason I got this really funny visual in my head of someone taking a hammer out of a toolbox to, I don't know, hit a nail into the wall. And then, when the nail was hit into the wall (or if we're getting symbolic here, when the text was sent) this person kept the hammer out of the toolbox and started hitting other things around the house, just because they already had the hammer out. Maybe they hit a wall, or a table, or a cup (aka, they decided that as long as their phone was out they might as well skim through facebook... or go on the discover page (does that exist?) of Instagram just to see what's on there). I don't know, but to me it seems kind of pointless to use the tool that way. Not that Facebook is bad or anything--I've got it on my tablet now. But I would like to invite you to try to avoid getting distracted on your phone this week. After you send that text or whatever you're doing, put the tool  back in the tool box and do something worthwhile! I am really grateful that we get to use technology in this mission so that I can develop habits here that will help me after the mission too.  I took a picture with all the other Walkers in the mission since we are all the same zone.  There is one Elder Walker and 3 Hermana Walkers.
Also, this week we got a new president of the church! The church today is led by a prophet, his two counselors, and a quorum of 12 apostles, who are all led by God and called of Him too. The way that a new prophet is decided is super simple--the person in the quorum of 12 apostles with the most seniority is the new prophet. I am so grateful to be led by so many people who are called of God and led by inspiration from Him to direct His church and I know that they really ARE prophets for us in our day! God hasn't left us alone--He loves us just as much as He did the people in biblical times, so He also speaks to us today through living prophets (AND personal revelation, AND the scriptures!). I am so grateful for this amazing blessing!

Love, Hermana Walker

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